Grits and Eggs

You’re probably going to hear some dingaling tell you this can be done in a cookie tin, but it can’t.

For six servings, pour a quart of cooked grits seasoned and flavored as you see fit into an oiled casserole or skillet to cool until just warm. Then make six deep depressions in the grits with the back of an oiled spoon, and ease an egg into each hole.

Bake at 350 uncovered until eggs have firmed to your likeness, in my experience a good twenty minutes for hard-cooked, which I’ve rarely done, if ever.

Hot Hominy

This old buffet dish is perfect for a group brunch . Most recipes call for white hominy, but yellow or a blend is pretty.

To four cups drained and rinsed hominy, add a small jar of pimentos, a chopped mild banana pepper, and two cups mild cheddar cheese sauce.

Make your own; you can do it.

Some people add sausage, bacon, or ham, but that’s totally superfluous; likewise with jalapenos. Season with salt and white pepper. Bake at 300 for about 20 mins.