This is a wonderful buffet item, particularly for an after-event gathering. You could serve this with a buttery pasta, but I think a rice blend works better.
Drain and trim one pound chicken livers. Sauté in butter with a sprinkling of black pepper until just done through; you want them pink, not overcooked. Set aside. In another pan, sauté a finely-minced clove of garlic and two large diced shallots in a quarter stick or so of butter until shallots are cooked. Add a cup of thickly-sliced mushrooms, sift in two tablespoons of flour, and mix well.
Stir in enough stock to make a generous sauce, add a slosh or so of good red wine, season with thyme and rosemary, then reduce until thick and smooth. Add drained livers, coat well, salt to taste, and finish with another jolt of wine and a bit of butter.